Greetings 2011! (Day 31)

My theme word for 2011 is OVERFLOW- an excess or superabundance. I want to birth/experience overflow in the key areas of my life- relationships, family, health, finances, lifestyle, work, and education. Living my life on task (purpose driven) this overflow becomes available and in turn...

The Soul Experience

 “An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America with the median age being 9 years old.”  It’s been a year since the penning of Soul on Fire. From the advance review copies to the final version I have been humbled by the...

My Evolution! (Days 17-23)

Reset- to set again or anew. The 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge has been amazing in allowing me to truly connect with myself on a deeper level. There is no doubt that we are guided by principles and beliefs instilled in us early...

A Lovely Day! (Day 14)

I wake up to the smell of turkey bacon and sounds of someone in the kitchen preparing breakfast just for me. After morning meditation and reflection a quick glance at my to-do list reveals less than five things and no errands to run. I take...

My Happy 100! (Day 13)

Books                Greeting cards            Summer breezes                  Wine tasting                              Date night             Stevie Wonder            Butter Pecan Ice Cream              Black and white pictures  Vintage Clothing     Sketching   Pedicures                          Learning             Antique Cars                Cranberry Juice              Backrubs                     Pink                   Martinis                       Picnics                             Hugs                Butterfly kisses                   Red Velvet Cake                         Bay windows  Onyx Pearls        Rainbows              First Signs of Fall             Thoughts of Exotic Places           The Sound of Rain         Paris, France               Tea                 Travel            Mahogany, Sparkle, and Lady Sings The...

My Vision Board! (Day 12)

 "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” ~James Allen...

I Am! I Can! I Will! (Day 11)

How can a driven and ambitious person have any thoughts that would be limiting? Out of these three beliefs - I'm not good enough, I'm not important, and mistakes and failure are bad, I found myself identifying more with the latter. I have indeed experienced...

My Release! (Day 9)

Action is the initial step towards change.  The assignment today was to choose a specific goal and perform a tangible and measurable action towards it. For my mental and emotional well-being, I simply let go! I let go, threw out, and rid myself of some...

Skyy’s Growing! (Day 8)

Briefly engaging in a twitter chat a few months ago, one of my followers and I discussed marriage and the lack thereof among African American women. We both concluded that many of us don’t know ourselves enough to know what we want or need and...