I AM……Skyy Banks

A Full Circle Moment

A week ago I had the honor of presenting to a group of women at the first annual Stilettos and Strategies Conference hosted by Nu Epps, Founder and President of Esyntial Elements Consulting Inc. The conference mission is to positively enhance the lives of women...

Pulling Back the Layers via Akilah Brayboy

Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. (Colossians 3:19) I now realize why it was so hard to write this article. I thought it was just writer’s block, but actually it was a self preservation tactic; not wanting to pull back another...

Broken Chains- What my (-) HIV Status Means to ME

I never really took the time to think about what my HIV status meant to me. Being negative seemed enough; at least for a young black sexually active teen in the early 90s. The most that my friends and I were concerned about was not...

“Why I became an HIV Activist”

As a writer, it's easy to get lost behind the words, the computer screen, or the social media profiles connecting with people only through the World Wide Web. While this is truly a comfortable place to be, I found that more people wanted to connect with me...

Remember YOU

There comes a time in your life when it's do or die - decision making time. something inside of you screams at the top of it's lungs, begging for attention and finally, you pay attention. You begin to listen, closely, wondering what this voice is trying...

2011 in review

Not too bad!!!  Thanks for reading! There is much more to come in 2012! Get ready, get ready, get ready!!!   Here's an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,200 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it...

Greetings 2011! (Day 31)

My theme word for 2011 is OVERFLOW- an excess or superabundance. I want to birth/experience overflow in the key areas of my life- relationships, family, health, finances, lifestyle, work, and education. Living my life on task (purpose driven) this overflow becomes available and in turn...

The Soul Experience

 “An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America with the median age being 9 years old.”  It’s been a year since the penning of Soul on Fire. From the advance review copies to the final version I have been humbled by the...

My Evolution! (Days 17-23)

Reset- to set again or anew. The 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge has been amazing in allowing me to truly connect with myself on a deeper level. There is no doubt that we are guided by principles and beliefs instilled in us early...