Rosetta Thurman Tag

I Am! I Can! I Will! (Day 11)

How can a driven and ambitious person have any thoughts that would be limiting? Out of these three beliefs - I'm not good enough, I'm not important, and mistakes and failure are bad, I found myself identifying more with the latter. I have indeed experienced...

Skyy’s Growing! (Day 8)

Briefly engaging in a twitter chat a few months ago, one of my followers and I discussed marriage and the lack thereof among African American women. We both concluded that many of us don’t know ourselves enough to know what we want or need and...

My Personal Mission Statement (Day 5)

Because I am fearfully and wonderfully made my existence will not be in vain. The true essence of my core is impregnated with values that continue to mold me into wholeness. In the spirit of family, community, and friendship, I will lift my voice for those...

My Tree of Life -“Reset 10” Values (Day 3)

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 Today’s challenge focused on values. The aforementioned scripture spoke volumes to me as I thought about those things that...